Each of us has needs, HSP or not.
Too often, our needs are neglected whether we are highly sensitive or not, again. This is not really a positive observation, because it can have damaging or sometimes even terrible repercussions, in extreme cases.

But one thing is also certain, highly sensitive people have slightly different needs than our less sensitive friends and family. Because we are a minority, and have grown up in a society where daily practices are primarily designed around the needs of the majority, we are often left behind when it comes to our slightly different needs. To avoid feeling completely inadequate, we follow, despite ourselves, the life model of the dominant society, and very often without even realizing it. It is an unspoken compromise with ourselves to “be part” of society, and not feel completely rejected and discarded. We live with the impression of not having a choice if we want to “fit” into a “normal” life.
The result: we end up living in a way that is not in alignment with ourselves. Then many of our needs are neglected to the detriment of our well-being. By putting our needs in the “option” box, stress, which we try to avoid by all means, always catches up with us, quickly and strongly. Because we are put under constant pressure, we don't have enough time to recharge our batteries.
So the struggle begins with ourselves to keep up with others. In the short term, we end up tired, overworked and overstimulated. In the longer term, we can even develop stress-related illnesses.
Not only is conforming to the rhythm of others a losing battle, but the most heartbreaking thing is that we don't have to fight to get our needs met. Realizing and declaring that things do not have to be this way is the first step towards our well-being and respect of our needs. It is only by accepting and claiming that we have slightly different needs that we can be in alignment with ourselves. We don’t have to be “like the others”! It is entirely possible to live in harmony with our sensibilities, even if the world seems to be pushing us in a different direction. It is entirely possible and essential to meet our hypersensitive needs in order to maintain stress at tolerable levels.
So I'm not going to minimize what this can cause, because it's not always the easiest feat to achieve, but know that you are not alone! Many of us are looking for this path that will allow us to be in alignment with ourselves and achieve greater balance. This balance involves finding ways to participate, contribute and connect, without compromising who we are and what our bodies need.
What is your biggest struggle?
Feeling emotionally drained
Moving on and letting go
Criticism and conflict
Being under pressure
So, what exactly do we need?
In fact, much of it is not really about what we need, but rather how much we need it. As I said above, our needs are not completely different from others. Sleep, meals, relaxation time, are everyone's needs, but for HSPs, they may be a little stricter or they differ in quantity (and quality). We tend to need a little more rest and quiet time, for example. Skipping a meal can quickly have unpleasant consequences. Losing a night's sleep can upset us more than the less sensitive. What for a non-HSP can have unpleasant consequences, for an HSP it can be very disturbing, destabilizing, stressful or even make them physically unwell. In other words, we are more sensitive!
Of course, everyone is different. Each individual will have more sensitive points than others. We can't all be under the same umbrella of "highly sensitive", we are not carbon copies of each other.
The most important thing is to find out what YOU need to feel good and live in alignment with your sensitivity.
To get started, here are seven typical needs of the highly sensitive population.
Ideal conditions would be to spend the majority of your time in a calm and peaceful environment where you can control potential irritants such as: lights, sounds, smells, temperature and people! ;)
In your quest to achieve alignment, check out (here) the free guide “Self-Care Tools to reduce Overwhelm and Anxiety.”
If you would like personalized support, I would like to be your coach to help you throughout your Reach out journey! Here are the main objectives of my support:
Make your wellness habits permanent,
Teaching you to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships,
Give you stress management tools adapted to your personality,
Give you the keys to improve your time management skills,
Deconstruct your limited beliefs and patterns to restore your confidence and empower you.
Do the shadow work together and uncover the parts of yourself that you repress and hide from yourself, in order to embrace those parts so you can start to show up as your authentic self.
Teaching you to manage your doubts and fears and step out of your comfort zone without compromising your mental health needs.