Do you feel tired, knackered all the time? Nothing surprising! We all go through slumps where our energy level is at its lowest. In today's hectic world, getting caught up in this vicious cycle can threaten us at any moment. To avoid having to face burnout at the end of the road, we must boost our energy on a daily basis with the means at hand. Stopping the frantic race of the commute-work-sleep cycle to simply recharge is not always easy. Yet it is an important combat routine for highly sensitive and empathetic people. So sure, there are tons of self-care techniques, but more than often, we can only practice them on our days off or on the weekends. Sometimes you arrive at the end of the week so exhausted that even the idea of practicing self-care tires you. So how can we not get there? There are several natural and easy ways to increase your energy and revitalize your mind and body.

Here are some useful tips to boost naturally your energy level and to help you regain your vitality.
1. Prioritize quality sleep
I can't say it enough... Sleep is the best ally of highly sensitive people and empaths. We all know how bad we feel if we sleep poorly or not enough. A good night's sleep is essential to restore and maintain our energy levels. To increase (or at least maintain) your energy level, create a relaxing bedtime routine to ensure you get 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Establishing a regular sleep schedule is part of this routine. Avoid caffeine and electronic devices before bed and create a comfortable sleep environment to optimize your rest.
2. Drink, drink, drink! (water)
Dehydration can lead not only to fatigue but also to a lack of motivation. I drank very little when I was younger, but after some health problems due to this, I started drinking a lot more which made a huge difference. On days when I run from errands to errands and don't drink as much as I should, my body catches up with me, and I immediately experience symptoms of dehydration. Our body keeps score, and if we don't listen to it, it will make you feel it and shout: Drink!
So make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to replenish your body and mind. Try carrying a small bottle of water with you wherever you go, to remind you to hydrate regularly.
3. Follow a balanced diet
Nothing surprising here! The food we eat has a significant impact on our overall health and therefore also on our energy levels. Fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and fatty foods that can cause energy dips.
Consider smaller, frequent meals throughout the day to maintain a consistent source of energy.
4. Eat energizing foods
To complement the point above, having a balanced diet is essential, but consuming certain foods can provide an instant energy boost. Add foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to your diet. I won't list all the "energy" foods, but foods like bananas, almonds, dark chocolate and green leafy vegetables can help fight fatigue and increase endurance.
5. Get moving! Exercise regularly.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, it has been proven that physical activity can improve our energy levels. Thousands of studies have proven that it is essential for our physical and mental well-being, I am only confirming it. Exercising regularly increases blood circulation, releases endorphins and improves overall fitness, leading to increased energy.
Incorporate activities you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, yoga or dancing, into your routine to make it more enjoyable and sustainable.
6. Manage stress
This advice should definitely have its place alongside sleep. Stress is a very significant loss of our energy level. Highly sensitive people and empaths know what I'm talking about. It’s something we struggle with every day if we’re not mindful of everything I’ve mentioned above, but also and especially. if we don’t carve out our time to regularly practice self-care.
Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or hobbies, this will help you relax. Create a work-life balance, and set limits (the famous limits!) to avoid professional and personal burnout.

7. Get out! Get some fresh air!
Spending time in nature can increase our energy levels and improve our overall well-being. Take a walk in a park, spend time gardening, or plan a weekend getaway to connect with nature. Exposure to natural light and fresh air can increase endorphins and invigorate your energy levels.
8. Take regular breaks
Pushing ourselves too hard, without breaks, can lead to mental and physical fatigue, and puts us at risk of stress and overstimulation. Highly sensitive people and empaths need more breaks and rest time to recharge than less sensitive people. So don’t forget to include short breaks throughout your day to rest and recharge your batteries, it’s a must for you!
A short break can be as simple as getting up, stretching, or taking a quick walk to get your blood flowing and calm your racing brain.
9. Stay connected, not to electronic devices but to people!
Human connection is essential to our overall well-being, including our energy levels. Even though we (highly sensitive and empaths) like to spend time alone, take time for your loved ones or with your friends, and engage in meaningful conversations, you love it! Participating to social activities can improve your mood and give you a boost of energy. But don’t forget your limits!
10. Practice mindfulness and relaxation
Incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily life, such as deep breathing, exercises or meditation, calms the mind. These techniques reduce stress, thereby promoting higher energy levels. A relaxed mind leads to a more energetic body.
11. Limit your intake of caffeine and energy drinks
While it's tempting to rely on caffeine or an energy drink for a quick energy boost, excessive consumption can lead to energy crashes and disrupt your sleep patterns. Highly sensitive people and empaths can be very sensitive to caffeine and energizers, so limit your consumption, and opt for healthier alternatives like herbal teas or naturally infused water.
12. Stock up on light
Open the curtains in the morning to wake your body more quickly. If you work in a dark environment or without natural light, do not hesitate to go outside for a few minutes to stock up on vitamin D.
13. Splash your face with water
Wake up by splashing some water on your face and neck. You could also jump in the pool or take a shower. Water stimulates the circulatory system and metabolism.
14. Take a nap
Even the most motivated people sometimes lack energy during the day after a restless or short night! New studies have confirmed that to fight the negative effects of insomnia, all you need is a 30-minute nap. So if your night's sleep was not satisfactory or if you feel exhausted in the middle of the day, don't hesitate to take a short nap.
15. Stay positive and set goals
A positive mindset can do wonders for our energy levels. Surround yourself with positivity, set achievable goals, and celebrate your accomplishments. When you have a goal, it becomes much easier to find the energy and motivation to achieve it. And because highly sensitive people and empaths are emotional and energetic “sponges,” always check your energy to make sure you haven’t absorbed and retained that of others.
If fatigue persists, your condition could be hiding something else, so consult a doctor.
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