The title of this article must have made you frown, maybe even bristle. But yes, today I really wanted to shake you up a little and tell you: Stop being selfish!

I can already hear: “But what is she talking about? Since when are highly sensitive people and empaths selfish? We are known for being empathetic, caring, always serving others, etc. Did she completely break down? What’s going on today?”
I wanted to tell you to stop being depriving the world of your great qualities.
I still see so many people in pain who tell me “You know, I cry over injustice or I get really sad over really little things meaningful for me. I feel things, I understand things, I see things that other people don’t understand, so it must be me who has a problem.” In fact, no, nothing is wrong with you, you just have a different perception of the world and heightened feelings.
So when I tell you: “Stop being selfish, the world needs you”, I am super serious. Why? Because we are in an ultra violent and unfair world. Look around you... factually There is a lot of violence, a lot of egocentrism, a lot of injustice. I see people who are struggling every day. I see the economy failing. I see nature and the animals that are being massacred. And I don't necessarily know what to do on my own scale. I try as best I can to contribute, but sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed.
But do you know what always reassures me? Knowing that I am not alone and that there are millions of us working to make things better. So, you who are reading this articole, send and share it with all the highly sensitive people you know, it's super important.
Dare to be who you are, dare to be connected to your beautiful sensitivity, dare to talk about your emotions, dare to say what you feel, dare to raise your voice, dare to show beauty, share your vision of the world, share what you want… but share with others what feels good. We need beautiful things. We need your perspective, we need your sensitivity. We need your worldview.
I still meet a lot of people who tell me: “I don’t want to be highly sensitive anymore. It hurts too much. It's too complicated for me to be fit in this world. People don't understand me. As soon as I get emotional, people make fun of me and they say that high sensitivity is a trend, that it is all in my head and I just need to toughen up.”
So yes, I am lucid about what is happening. Yes, I understand your distress and know how you feel. I am not here to paint an idyllic portrait of life as a highly sensitive or empath, but your sensitivity is a gift of life for the evolution of humanity. I am going to repeat it again: your sensitivity is a gift. You have the right to have another vision of the world. You can't change anything about your different neural wiring which makes you more empathetic, caring, and with more developed senses. Even if it's not always easy, you can live and even celebrate your difference in this world.
So please, you who are reading these lines, you who are sensitive and empathic, offer your vision of the world to humanity. Embody your high sensitivity and you will realize how good it feels. Spread your wings, dare to be who you are... gentleness, empathy, kindness, justice and generosity.
And then, think about it... if you were born with different neuronal wiring, if you were born with this high sensitivity, with this hyperdevelopment of your senses, it's obvious that you have a role to play in making this world a better place.
So I am counting on you to make your sensitive hearts vibrate and flood the world with this sweet light and this beautiful vision that you have. Only together can we achieve this.
I told you it was a bit of a special message. It is a dedication to all highly sensitive people who do not dare to assert themselves, and a big thank you to all those who dare to embrace their sensitivity.
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